Building the Next Generation Credit Bureau with Credit Kudos

Freddy Kelly is the Founder and CEO of Credit Kudos, a UK company redesigning the credit bureau for the modern age.
Unhappy with the inaccuracy, opaqueness and questionable data ethics of the traditional model, Credit Kudos is using Open Banking, machine learning and customer consent in an attempt to create a more transparent, more predictive credit scoring system.
In addition to the insights we deliver through our podcast and newsletter, Rebank offers advisory services to fintechs, banks and corporates.
Drawing on our experience starting, running and advising fintech businesses and our vast network of the most impactful fintech entrepreneurs, investors and innovators around the world, we help companies make sense of fintech, work through specific questions and optimize proposition and strategy.
For more information about our services, please visit
Thank you very much for joining us today. Please welcome, Freddy Kelly.